Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Medco & Express Scripts merge, aka clusterf**k in the making

Despite being the subject of antitrust lawsuits, Medco Health Solutions and Express Scripts will be merging, announced on April 2, 2012. 

For those of you outside the industry, Express Scripts, which processes Anthem, TRICARE, and ESI, and Medco, which processes most UnitedHealth plans, among many others, are the giants of the insurance processing sector. CVS Caremark is a distant third, followed by a few more small processors. 

And, in case you've been under a rock or don't get prescriptions, as of January 1, 2012, Walgreens is no longer contracted with Express Scripts, forcing those patients to go to other pharmacies (and in my experience, most went despite strongly preferring to stay with my pharmacy). 

Now, in the US there exists something called an Antitrust Law. Antitrust laws, also known as anti-competition prohibition laws, are in place to keep any one company from creating a monopoly on an industry and unfair business practices. 

What this leads to is: Why did the FTC allow these two giants to merge? With approximately 70% of the industry contracts when combined, how would this mega-processor NOT be a monopoly?

Furthermore, what will this mean for Walgreens? The contract ended in 2011 due to unfair contracting by Express Scripts (unfair business practice- another violation of antitrust law). Does this mean that Walgreens will also lose Medco? Or will there be some sort of resolution? My hope is that the FTC comes to its senses and stops this merger, AND put some actual restrictions on acts prohibited by antitrust law, but hell. I'm young and naive, but I know enough to predict that this merger will pass (and money will pass hands, I'm sure), and Walgreens will be forced to take contracts at a loss in exchange for not losing access to 70% of the prescription market.

But hey, we can still do Medicaid. I think. 
Oh hell.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I suppose I ought to update this with some regularity, no?
I always have brilliant ideas for blog posts, then forget them when I sit down to write. What is UP with that?

Well, here's what I WON'T be talking about:
-Politics (for the most part)- I already get chronic migraines and hate confrontation, so I can't imagine voluntarily bringing that up on my own soapbox. I think I'll reserve my soapbox for things that really get me going. Like Cudahy.

-Food/ Healthy Living- that niche is full and frankly is not my thing. I may throw in the odd post but it would be the exception, and definitely not the rule.

-Sports- see above, in case ya missed it.

That's about it for no-no topics. Let's see...
Here's what I probably will talk about:
-My religion (but NOT proselytizing. I invite you to shoot flame me if I do.)
-Humanitarian work
-Working in a pharmacy
-Cudahy (kind of like "That's so Sheboygan", but Cudahy style. It's kinda my pet rant.
-Drugs, including the prescription kind. And no, this is no stoner blog or how-to-get-high manual, rather a place to openly discuss issues with pharmaceuticals legal and non-legal, from the point of view of someone who deals with various types of users and abusers on a daily basis.
-Family (gotta love 'em, wanna strangle 'em...)
-Whatever bullshit pops into my head. THAT can get weird.

And now I shall attempt to brainstorm a substantive post to put up soon.

Cheers, AND Praise the risen King!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


First blog posts are always daunting, no? I feel like I should make some epic statement that will draw you back to my blog again and again, but that's a lot of pressure!  I guess I'll just introduce myself and let you decide if you're coming back :-P

I am a college senior in the Midwest (USA) and I work in a few different healthcare sectors to fund my book-coffee-rice-school habit. I am a semi-conservative liberal, strongly Christian but not really into the whole "saving souls for Jesus" thing- I believe in living in a manner that pleases Christ and letting others decide what path they want to follow, and I am truly okay with people who believe differently than I!

But just because I'm religious does not mean I am a goody-two-shoes. I curse like a sailor (although I shall try to limit it on here), I rant constantly, and sarcasm is my native tongue. I try to love like my God wants me to, but I'm human, and I'm guilty of (probably) every one of the Seven Deadly Sins.  My hair is red, my background is Irish, and my temper is shorter than a candle wick, but I have never in my life been able to hold a grudge for more than a few hours.

I love to talk, learn, read...I'm happy when it's cold and raining.

I am the sponsor of a little girl named Fridah, who lives in Zambia. Thinking of her helps me get through a lot of difficult times, and I am blessed to be able to help and know her. I believe in tithing, and donate a decent chunk of my income to causes I believe in (WorldVision, WorldRelief, Doctors Without Borders, Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society, and the Children's Miracle Network), even though it usually means sacrificing new clothes/shoes/eating out (and I love those things!).

You could say I'm a study in contrasts, but then again, I think most of us are.
Mainly, I am documenting this for my own records but if others happen to stumble upon my humble little blog I will be thrilled to share my story with them and learn theirs- or yours!