Tuesday, February 28, 2012


First blog posts are always daunting, no? I feel like I should make some epic statement that will draw you back to my blog again and again, but that's a lot of pressure!  I guess I'll just introduce myself and let you decide if you're coming back :-P

I am a college senior in the Midwest (USA) and I work in a few different healthcare sectors to fund my book-coffee-rice-school habit. I am a semi-conservative liberal, strongly Christian but not really into the whole "saving souls for Jesus" thing- I believe in living in a manner that pleases Christ and letting others decide what path they want to follow, and I am truly okay with people who believe differently than I!

But just because I'm religious does not mean I am a goody-two-shoes. I curse like a sailor (although I shall try to limit it on here), I rant constantly, and sarcasm is my native tongue. I try to love like my God wants me to, but I'm human, and I'm guilty of (probably) every one of the Seven Deadly Sins.  My hair is red, my background is Irish, and my temper is shorter than a candle wick, but I have never in my life been able to hold a grudge for more than a few hours.

I love to talk, learn, read...I'm happy when it's cold and raining.

I am the sponsor of a little girl named Fridah, who lives in Zambia. Thinking of her helps me get through a lot of difficult times, and I am blessed to be able to help and know her. I believe in tithing, and donate a decent chunk of my income to causes I believe in (WorldVision, WorldRelief, Doctors Without Borders, Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society, and the Children's Miracle Network), even though it usually means sacrificing new clothes/shoes/eating out (and I love those things!).

You could say I'm a study in contrasts, but then again, I think most of us are.
Mainly, I am documenting this for my own records but if others happen to stumble upon my humble little blog I will be thrilled to share my story with them and learn theirs- or yours!