Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I suppose I ought to update this with some regularity, no?
I always have brilliant ideas for blog posts, then forget them when I sit down to write. What is UP with that?

Well, here's what I WON'T be talking about:
-Politics (for the most part)- I already get chronic migraines and hate confrontation, so I can't imagine voluntarily bringing that up on my own soapbox. I think I'll reserve my soapbox for things that really get me going. Like Cudahy.

-Food/ Healthy Living- that niche is full and frankly is not my thing. I may throw in the odd post but it would be the exception, and definitely not the rule.

-Sports- see above, in case ya missed it.

That's about it for no-no topics. Let's see...
Here's what I probably will talk about:
-My religion (but NOT proselytizing. I invite you to shoot flame me if I do.)
-Humanitarian work
-Working in a pharmacy
-Cudahy (kind of like "That's so Sheboygan", but Cudahy style. It's kinda my pet rant.
-Drugs, including the prescription kind. And no, this is no stoner blog or how-to-get-high manual, rather a place to openly discuss issues with pharmaceuticals legal and non-legal, from the point of view of someone who deals with various types of users and abusers on a daily basis.
-Family (gotta love 'em, wanna strangle 'em...)
-Whatever bullshit pops into my head. THAT can get weird.

And now I shall attempt to brainstorm a substantive post to put up soon.

Cheers, AND Praise the risen King!


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